Sunday, 28 April 2024

28/04/24 Cement!

 An early morning trip to London last Thursday morning, and straight into anaesthesia and the procedure. I gather it took a bit over two hours. Very small "incisions", just two 1mm holes very close together. All looking good now.

"Before" on the left, "After" with the injected cement on the right. That gives me a lot more confidence in the mechanical stability of the joint. A completely unexpected benefit is that I can now get up from chairs much more easily, and can bend to pick things up off the floor again. Well, I could before, just about, but with a lot more difficulty than I have now. Just hoping that will last...

UCLH food not bad, certainly edible. Breakfast very limited, just a choice of cereal or toast.

Discharged Friday mid-day and short of sleep after two bad nights. But made up for that last night with over eight hours and a score of 100 on the CPAP machine.

Monday, 15 April 2024

15/04/24 Good news, mostly

I have my appointment for CT scan and pre-assessment at UCLH (Euston) on Wed 17th, probable surgery date for the cement injection Thursday 25th. Of course there were the usual NHS complications over contradictory messages about the appointment and arrival times. Sadly you just have to accept that as par for the course these days. At least it was all digital and not reliant on what now passes for second class post. Fifth class in a third-world country, more like.

My blood sugar levels (HbA1c test) have drifted up gradually from high 30s (OK) to 41 and 42 (borderline "pre-diabetes") and now 45, which isn't actually diabetic, that starts at 48 or 49). Probably age-related increase in glucose intolerance rather than anything nastier - I hope! So I've been put on a pre-diabetes course for a couple of months now and am trying to make a few diet changes (basically, eat less!) and get the exercise up a bit. To that end I've got a pair of carbon-fibre Nordic walking poles and use them to power along the corridors here. Gets the heart and lungs going better than any amount of ordinary walking. Took them outside yesterday for the first time.

Mine are black with red trim - not luminous green!

Had a burst of the arthritis or whatever it is I get occasionally in the base of my right thumb. Well, it's there at low level all the time, but these acute bursts happen maybe two or three times a year and make my right hand both painful enough to disturb sleep and 75% useless for most things. I treat with Volterol and Co-Codamol (with the usual consequences) and whichever herbal ointment I've talked myself into trying on an "it just might work" basis. The attacks build up over a few days, bad for a day and a half, I sleep better on the second night and it's gone - or at least as gone as it ever is - in the morning. Works every time, I have no idea why...

19/01/2025 Results update

Slightly annoyed with my consultant. Reading my copy of the clinic letter sent to GP after the last consultation, not only are my paraprotei...