Tuesday, 10 January 2023

10/01/23 On and off...

My bedtime, these days is 01:00 - an hour earlier than it used to be. One thing the CPAP machine's daily reports do is to make me more aware of how much sleep I actually do (or don't) get each night. Last night I shut the computer down around 00:50. More precisely, I tried to. It threw up a Blue Screen of Death and went into a cycle of restarts followed by BSOD followed by restart and BSOD followed by restart and..., interrupted every four or five times around by the "Repair or restart?" screen. I ignored the repair option because I know it can take quite some time and I wanted to get to bed because of an early cataract surgeon appointment this morning. Eventually I managed to catch the "Power" button before it disappeared and got the machine to shut down properly. And then, the masterstroke! Switch everything off and physically disconnect from the wall. And so to bed...

In the morning, plugged up again and powered up. Perfect fast boot, the machine's been stable all day. Amazing how often this simple trick - isolate from all power, wait at least half an hour, re-connect - works with anything electronic.

The cataract surgeon was pleased with my eyes and said I was OK for driving (just as well, since I drove there!) I told him about the slight double vision I still get at distance and he said I should see my optician. I told him I've already done that and have some prism driving glasses to collect on Thursday. He was pleased about that.

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