Saturday 19 November 2022

19/11/22 Pet scan, second attempt

 Heading off to Southend early afternoon, and hoping not to get another last-minute cancellation. Had an early breakfast, now nothing but water until the scan.

Left eye still doing well, no pain or other issue, but still an occasional slight flickering at the left of the field. There's a slight loss of clarity and intensity particularly at full distance, but that is normal and should improve again. Still far better than it was, and no need for computer glasses any more. Reading glasses (1.0) coming from Amazon later today. With no glasses on, text on the screen is perfectly sharp with left eye only, an unreadable blur with right only. And that's the "good" eye!

No change on the myeloma front. Had another lot of bloods taken at Springfield yesterday.

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15/04/24 Good news, mostly

I have my appointment for CT scan and pre-assessment at UCLH (Euston) on Wed 17th, probable surgery date for the cement injection Thursday 2...