Thursday, 19 May 2022

19/05/22 Dressings, and winter fruit

Went to the GP surgery yesterday morning to get my dressing changed. The nurse told us they didn't stock the exact same one because they are too expensive. I've since looked them up online and they're about 1 GBP each - doesn't seem too pricey to me even if we do need two at a time. Anyway, we had a couple of NHS standard dressings and the nurse said that the wound has healed well apart from one area where a bit of new skin is still being laid down. So not too far away from being able to dispense with the dressings altogether and let some fresh air in - otherwise I might be ordering a pack of them in.

Then we had the usual conversation about showering, with the usual impractical advice of "as normal, but don't get it wet". I did my best, but enough water got where it shouldn't and the thing started peeling away and almost fell off. So we had to change it for the hospital issue ones, which experience says should last a few days at least. Then there's the problem of re-ordering some of the painkillers that London Bridge sent me away with. This is a saga so complicated and unsatisfactory all round that I'm not even going to try to explain it.

After that, lunch at The Hare - Sue had whitebait, I had a sausage ciabatta sandwich, with a "winter fruit" crumble and ice cream. What exactly is a winter fruit? Apart from big chunks of apple seemingly cooked in raspberry juice, I have no idea.

Recovery continues well. Mobility gets better every day - to the point where I'm now having trouble remembering exactly how bad I was just from the myeloma before all this started. Some of it may be just down to the painkillers of course - I've just taken my last batch for the night and at the moment the operation site is around 95% pain-free. And the myeloma remains - as far as I know - in remission. I did have a fear that with my body distracted by this other thing and having to deal with all the painkillers, the beast might find a way to come back. That's the thing about myeloma - the gift that keeps on giving, even when you think it's gone away. I've taken a couple of weeks off from active participation and admin work in the facebook support group, but I think I'll be ready to pick that up again after the weekend.

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