Thursday, 13 October 2022

13/10/22 Frustrations, annoyances

I 'phoned my haematologist's secretary to progress-chase the PET scan he's organising at Southend. Left a message.

'Phoned Springfield Radiology to check they had got the nrew MRI request form that I emailed to them a couple of days, and hoping for news of an appointment. "Sorry, can't help. The computers are down, can't get into the system."

The secretary called back. He forgot to do it before going off on holiday, sends apologies. Will try to do it online from wherever he is. I'm to get back to her if heard nothing by the end of the month...

More delays!

My cataracts are getting worse, almost "visibly" by the day. Reading low-contrast text on computer screen now very difficult, even with aid of magnifying glass. Unfortunately this includes all the sites I've been looking at for information about multifocal lenses...

This is outside the back door:

The white thing on the fence is the temperature sensor for the weather station that we keep in the kitchen. The eucalyptus tree is in a raised bed made from(very heavy) railway sleepers. Yesterday I noticed that the temperature sensor wasn't there. I think one of the cats must have knocked it off while climbing to an observation post on top of the fence, but obviously neither of them is admitting a thing. 

I figured that it must have fallen into the narrow gap between the raised bed and the fence. Too dark to do much about it yesterday evening but this morning, shining a torch into the gap, I spotted a bit of white below the ivy in there. Getting it out was quite a challenge. I devised various plans with duct tape on the end of a stick. But that wasn't needed because after a lot of wiggling with a bamboo cane I managed to work it through the tiny gap under the fence and out the other side (which is also our land). And now I've moved that black container with the red flowers in along and back a bit, so that if the temperature sensor does get knocked off again it will fall into that and not all theway to the bottom of that gap again.

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