Sunday, 3 April 2022

04/04/22 Slow, slow, slow

That's what gets to me. So slow to get to the next step, which at the moment is a toss-up between getting the scooter hoist fitted and getting an appointment with Mr.Ib, the neurosurgeon at London Bridge. Thursday is his clinic day so maybe there's a chance for next week.

The new coffee machine has been here a couple of days but inevitably there's a problem. Basically, it's got itself stuck in Polish and we can't get it back into English. Two days lost over the weekend without decent coffee at home before we stand a chance of contacting tech support later this morning.

Generally, even the simplest things take far longer than before. Getting dressed in the morning plus the usual routine of tooth brushing, shaving around what's left of my beard, and washing my face - what my mother used to call a "cat-lick" because I can't bend down properly any more - all used to take ten minutes max. Now it's a good hour. BTW I do get a good face-ash in the shower at night!

Cooking. I still do most of it, but all the prep work takes twice the time it used to. And so on and on. Everything is sloooow. It's very frustrating for me and possibly even more so for Sue. But there's just nothing I can do about it.

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