Friday, 6 March 2020

06/03/20 (2)

Things were going along smoothly today until teatime when we had a call from the London Oncology Centre. They were concerned that my blood glucose level (taken on 21/02) was a bit high, and asked all sorts of diabetes-related questions. I've never had a blood glucose reading high enough to cause concern, and I did a self-test after that (and too close to a small tea-time cake with sugary icing to be ideal) and got 6.0 mmol/l, which is OK. I'll do another one later, a full two hours after dinner.

Then, as I was just getting to the blowtorching stage of salmon fillets for dinner, another phone call. This time it was about a slightly high white cell count and they were worried (I think) about infection because they asked about my temperature. I try to take it every morning but often forget, and I didn't do it this morning or yesterday. So I did it (with a Braun in-ear digital thermometer) and got 36.9 C. Exactly the same as last time I took it. Fine. 

They wanted us to go in tomorrow (Saturday) for some more blood tests, but the prospect of another COVID-19 dodging trip after yesterday (not to mention the cost) was less than enticing. So they've agreed it can wait until first thing on Wednesday 11th, when we'll be there anyway for Harvesting Day One. Or possibly we could get the necessary tests done at Springfield on Monday if there's any real concern by then. The lack of urgency under a bit of pressure suggests that there isn't much to worry about.

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