Thursday, 12 March 2020


It’s just like old times - 02:00 and wide awake... But it wasn’t a problem in the hotel last night. I don’t understand myself. I’m working on the basis that the less sleep I get now, the easier it will be later to sleep for some of the four hours I’ll have on the apheresis machine later.

No unpleasant side effects from the extra injection yet but it’s only three hours since I had it. The expectation is certainly part of why I’m still awake. 
Going to read a few news sites now, see what I missed yesterday about the budget and COVID-19, Then I’ll try again.


  1. That excellent arbiter of human behaviour, Murphy's Law, holds that a planned daytime sleep in hospital will, with a high degree of probability, be interrupted by one or more of nurse, doctor, cleaner, unscheduled visitor. Or so my limited experience says.

  2. Not just in the daytime. My sleep was interrupted at 06:15 by a nurse coming in armed with her thermometer and blood pressure machine!


19/01/2025 Results update

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