Friday, 27 March 2020

27/03/20 (2)

Some excellent news today - Dr. Chowdhury 'phoned mid-morning with the news that my paraprotein level (last Monday's bloods) was still 'undetectable'. I admit that I lost my customary cool and celebrated rather dramatically.

That, as he said, "buys us some time" so the plan is no more chemo at present and repeat the test at three-week intervals. So all I have to do now is carry on as 'normal' - as far as anything is normal these days - and not complicate things by catching COVID-19.

The long-awaited NHS "vulnerable" letter also arrived this morning - four pages of it saying little or nothing I didn't know already, but useful to have it all together in one place.

I defied the strictest interpretation of self-isolation again by taking another walk / roll around the Margaret Roding "triangle" (partly in the reverse direction to stave off boredom with it) in bright sunshine and a chilly breeze. I did pass one woman, but we were on opposite sides of the road, well over six feet apart, and neither of us coughed or sneezed.

Then the first edition of the Good Easter Newsletter arrived. This is put together by Good Easter volunteers to help those who are self-isolating. We're in a strange position at this end of our village, because our postal address is Good Easter although we're actually in Margaret Roding. Not quite sure how that will work out... There are volunteers here of course, but the organisation is mainly through WhatsApp and leaflets rather than a newsletter.

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