Sunday, 5 July 2020

05/07/20 Fall. Sort of...

I'd better include this for the sake of the record. I had a minor repair to do on a draught-excluder strip on the bottom of the front door frame. I'm not good at working on things low down, and even worse now than before. So  I sat on a low stool we have that goes back to boating days but comes in useful for this kind of thing, and did the job. Then came the hard part, which is standing up again. I had a walking stick to help, and the raised handles on either side of the stool. But it's uneven ground out there, and the start of the gravel drive. Something slipped at the crucial halfway up / halfway down point, and I went flat over on my right side onto the gravel. No serious damage done as far as I can tell, and I went on a walk to Pepper's Green Lane afterwards, then heaved the old microwave oven out of the garage to take some photos to help sell it. Which means, of course, that the new one has arrived. Yesterday, not Monday...

If I wake up tomorrow morning unable to move, that'll be why.

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