Tuesday, 15 March 2022

15/03/22 'Phone consultation

Not a lot to report from the conversation with Dr.Ch yesterday, except that next month (that'll be after three months off-treatment) he intends to take me off the "supportive" meds as well - blood thinner, anti-viral, etc.. That'll depend on the blood numbers staying good and the most recent set (in yesterday morning) were good: PPs still at zero, FLCs all normal, and everything else  normal apart from my usual slightly low haemoglobin. So I remain in remission for a bit longer - as long as the current spinal problems aren't the result of non-secretory myeloma activity. It's a possibility but not a very probable one.

Doing the washing-up after lunch I became aware that much of the temperature sensation in my right hand has returned - maybe 75% at the hot end of the scale, 50% at the cold end. That would suggest some relaxation of pressure on the appropriate nerve root, or even some nerve regeneration.

Then, throughout the afternoon and evening there was a distinct improvement in walking, balance, and flexibility. Making dinner I got a heavy pan out of a bottom drawer without even thinking about it - a day or two I would have needed to drag a chair across, or to call Sue to get it for me. Biggest danger now is forgetting where I left my stick because I don't feel the need to have it with me all the time...

Also neck rotation, although accompanied by the usual collection of clicks, grinding noises, and stabs of pain, seems to go a degree or two further each way. Tingling in both hands is reduced as well, although I'm not back two two-handed typing yet.

Not going to get too excited yet over first positive developments for a couple of months. We'll see what tomorrow and the next few days bring. But at the moment feeling more positive than for a long time. 

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