Thursday, 19 September 2019


Here we go again. Went to bed at 2:20 (not unusual for me, been a "night owl" all my life), straight off to sleep, then wide awake again at 5:00. The sort of wide awake where you know there's just no point trying to get back to sleep again. So back in the study firing up the computer already.

Finally I've become like my father, who would have been washed and shaved and ready to go at this time every morning if he could have got away with it. Except that - unlike me - he'd have been completely out of it since maybe 9:30 the evening before...

The hip is pleasantly painless. Made it from bedroom to bathroom to study barely needing a stick at all Couldn't have done that a couple of weeks ago.
Yesterday I spoke to Dr.Ch's secretary Sarah on the phone about our next appointment. I asked her to tell him that my walking is substantially improved. "Ah," she said, "You mean the pain's better controlled."

Sarah's seen a lot of myeloma patients. Sarah is quick-witted. Sarah knows...

Did a bit on my new under-desk exercise "bike" thing. Got to be good for me. I hope!

7:45 - no pre-breakfast pain yet. Not enough to notice, anyway.

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