Sunday, 22 September 2019

Mobility shop

After testing Richard's rather impressive Trionic walkers / rollators, Sue and I went to the Chelmsford Mobility shop in the hope of having a look at some alternatives.

It was a deeply depressing experience. The shop itself had the advantage of some parking spaces right outside, and we got one of them. But it looked like something out of the '70s, with a couple of used mobility scooters on display outside. We went in and were completely ignored by the staff, who were concentrating on selling a powered wheelchair to another customer. The stock seemed to consist largely of second-hand mobility scooters, and the few rollators on display weren't much more advanced than the cheap one I bought off Amazon. Other aids like "reachers" and "grabbers" were not displayed well and the prices were higher than those I know I can get online. Obviously there was nothing for us there, and we walked (in my case with two sticks, staggered slowly) out without, as far as we could tell, anyone even noticing let alone trying to find out what we were looking for.

We were left feeling like second-class citizens deserving nothing more than rubbish standards of service and rip-off prices. We won't be back.

When we got home I went online and ordered a four-wheeled Trionic rollator like the one of Richard's that we tested yesterday, but with a backrest for the seat included: (and without paying the VAT).

If the Mobility Shop had been about 1,000% better, it could have got its hands on some of that money. But it wasn't.

I'm just waiting for my new rollator to arrive. And as the lightweight one is already called Rolly, it needs a different name. Suggestions?


  1. What about Wally (or Willy?) the Walker, or Trionic Trevor or Terry, or best of all in a wholesome spirit of disassociation - Marvin!

  2. With a pain in all the diodes down his left hand side? I can sympaythise!


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