Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Today's post

Today's post included a package from Macmillan - a booklet about Radiotherapy (good on side and after effects), a general one about cancer, and yet another diary for all my appointments, treatments, pills, and everything else. Plus a neat but pointless "organiser" box to keep two of them in, even including a tabbed divider card to make sure the two chosen booklets don't get close enough to mate and produce yet another "My Cancer Diary"...

I've got the Cancer Research UK one they gave me at Springfield Hospital, the Macmillan one, the paper calendar that lives in the kitchen and supposedly coordinates both of our lives, my Google Calendar, and this blog. Not to mention the 7-day pill box, with four divisions for each day, and at least two Myeloma booklets. And a Macmillan phone app.

It's the old-fashioned one in the kitchen that's the main problem. It's had so many changed and cancelled appointments that we're keeping the Tippex industry going all by ourselves, let alone the strips of paper glued over the top when the only thing to do with a day is give it a fresh start.

This is not a disease for naturally disorganised people. They should get something simple. They'd never cope with cancer.and the hours it takes out of every day just keeping the paperwork sorted and turning up at the right hospital on time.

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