Thursday 26 September 2019


Netflix (UK) is down. I was going to distract myself from thinking about the first radiotherapy session later today with a couple of Big Bang Theory episodes. Trying Carnival Row (Amazon Prime) instead. First twenty minutes or so quite promising.

A bit nervous about the radiotherapy, I suppose. It's going to make the whole thing one stage more real. They wouldn't be squirting high-energy X-rays into my left hip joint without very good reason. I'm as prepared for side-effects as I could possibly be, although they're unlikely to appear before the fourth or fifth session. Or "fraction" as the radiotherapy people call them. Have to get the language right!


  1. I assume you've investigated Good Omens on Amazon Prime. I've seen only two episodes and am about to watch another. It's the sort of series I like to watch sparingly because it's so good.

  2. Seen it. Probably about as well done as it could possibly be.


28/04/24 Cement!

 An early morning trip to London last Thursday morning, and straight into anaesthesia and the procedure. I gather it took a bit over two hou...