Monday, 23 September 2019

Consultant appointment 23/09/19

A scheduled meeting with Dr.Ch at Springfield Hospital:

Bone Marrow Biopsy: The aspirate (liquid sample) shows a pleasingly low population of plasma cells. But the sample may be diluted by blood, so interpret with caution. Full report on the trephine (core sample) not available yet.

More bloods: All good. Total protein, paraprotein, globulin, free light chains all continuing downwards. Calcium, FBC, liver, renal also all good.

Sorting out the prescriptions: everything (so far) should go through my GP.

Radiotherapy: reduced from ten sessions to five. Dr.Ha actually said five in the first place but asked me to get consent from insurers for 10 "just in case". That lets us get the next Zometa (bone-strengthening) infusion in on schedule on Oct 7th, and will also allow an earlier start to Chemotherapy. Sooner the better, as I see it!

Painkillers: as walking is so improved, suggested that we should cut down a little. Well, I'm no longer taking paracetamol in between the morphine tablets, so I'll take that as a reduction. Don't want to go any further with the radiotherapy coming up and expectation of (temporarily) increased pain. That's what the Oramorph is for.

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18/11/2024 Much much betterer

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