Saturday 24 October 2020

24/10/20 Clear out - in more ways than one

Nothing new on the myeloma front, except another few days of the old friend constipation. I had a Fybogel and a Laxido night before last, and after threatening action all day it worked at the last moment before the shower. Unfortunately I repeated the combination a couple of hours ago, so I anticipate an active morning... Well, that's enough of that - just glad I've avoided another encounter with the glycerine suppositories.

The Great Clear Out continued today with the original skip taken away and a new one delivered. I got through the night without the muscle strains etc. that I expected - must be fitter than I think - and I gave myself an easier day as planned by starting the sort out of old tool boxes, tins of screws and nails etc., power tools unused for many years. No more than halfway through that as yet...

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15/04/24 Good news, mostly

I have my appointment for CT scan and pre-assessment at UCLH (Euston) on Wed 17th, probable surgery date for the cement injection Thursday 2...