Sunday, 1 November 2020

01/11/20 Finger splits and pill organisation

With painful splits in the ends of my right thumb and first two fingers (a regular consequence of cold weather, nothing to do with myeloma), doing the Pill Organisation Thing this morning was more difficult than usual. The "is it / isn't it Parkinson's?" hand tremor doesn't help either with handling the smaller pills. It definitely interferes with fine motor control now in a way that it didn't a year ago. The whole pill sorting process took a good hour to complete.

The Laxido did its work, even if after a rather longer wait than usual. It was a good decision last night not to take another dose...

As for COVID and the new national lockdown, it isn't going to make much difference to me but I think Sue will be rather more affected. Already the government is leaking warnings about it being extended into December...

I'm lucky in that my cancer was diagnosed before we'd ever heard of SARS-COV-2 and my treatment is continuing without any interference. Private health insurance with "Comprehensive Cancer Cover" of course helps with that. All the stories of delayed cancer diagnoses (or worse) because GP surgeries and hospitals have effectively shut themselves off from anything but COVID are awful.

At least the Parkinson's - if it does turn out to be real - is unlikely to be urgent so I'll be able to wait for NHS treatment - at least, that's my plan because I don't want to start another private claim while in the middle of a rather expensive one which will carry on for the rest of my life - the only time I've ever come out ahead of an insurance company. On top of that, I don't think we could afford the loss of more No Claims Discount!

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06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...