Thursday, 19 November 2020

19/11/20 Dex and sea air

 Yesterday (Wed) and today (Thurs) are my two dex days of the week. The pattern is now well-established - I get to bed at my usual time of 02:00 or maybe a bit later, sleep uninterrupted for four or maybe four and a half hours, then get up because going back to sleep is just not going to happen. I'm no longer awae and on the computer at 4 or 5 am!

Hoping to go somewhere for a good, long, and preferably different, walk today. Just what you need to keep the myeloma at bay, not to mention an excellent sausage roll for lunch. There's a small issue in that the new shielding guidelines for the vulnerable and extremely vulnerable (that covers both of us) encourage exercise outside while also saying we should not travel unnecessarily to find it. Does Maldon count? A quick look at Google Maps suggests that it is the nearest bit of sea/estuary for that healthy bracing sea air...

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