Sunday, 15 November 2020

15/11/20 FLCs pending

Another wet morning while we were having breakfast and Pill Organising but things cleared up and the sun even came out mid-day, so I did the walk to Peppers Green Lane. A lot of water on the road in places where we don't usually get it, resulting in a thoroughly soaked pair of shoes.

I don't think I've mentioned the most recent set of blood test results, which came in on Thursday, the usual seven days after taking the blood. All good and paraproteins still at undetectable, but the three Free Light Chain numbers given as "pending". Will try again for them on Monday or Tuesday.

I'm sure that's all perfectly clear now...

Update 16:00 - it's raining again! This video shows what it's like at The Hare in Roxwell (pub/restaurant about four miles towards Chelmsford). Full screen (button at bottom right) is best for this

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06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...