Friday, 6 November 2020

06/11/20 Bloods, Parkinson's choices, and swab test

Back to Springfield today for another four-weekly set of bloods to be taken, so the usual nervous week lies ahead, waiting for the full results to come through. Back again on the 10th for Zometa and the next pack of meds. Must remember to tell them (again) that I can get Omeprazole from the GP and don't need it from Springfield. That will knock a tiny bit off the bill that goes to AXA.

Had a chat with the nurse about the Parkinson's thing, strong agreement that the best plan is to self-pay a first consultation and then be in a better place to decide between NHS and private. Ideally I'd like a consultant who works at both Springfield and Broomfield (Chelmsford NHS) as my haematologist Dr.Ch does. There appear to be three neurologists who fit the bill and claim specialist interest in Parkinson's, although the information online about one of them is not consistent. So call it two and a half. I'm advised online to get someone who is an MDS (Movement Disorder Specialist) - I found a website listing them and there are only six in the UK, none of them nearer than London, so I'm forgetting that advice. Have also been recommended to a "top man" but he works in London only and the last thing I need at this time is London trips that could be avoided, so I don't think I'll be bothering him. He's not on the MDS list anyway!

Also had my fifth COVID swab test at Springfield and have religiously logged it on the CoVID Symptom Tracker app. I'm well used to it by now and it really isn't all that unpleasant. Seriously...

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06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...