Tuesday, 17 November 2020

17/11/20 (3)

The right foot problem has gradually faded through the day and is now (21:18) barely noticeable. That may have something to do with going back to maximum paracetamol dose today and suggests that it was muscle / soft tissue related rather than PN, although I've never known a soft tissue problem appear out of the blue in the middle of the night before. Anyway, it was good enough for a Pepper's Green Lane walk in the afternoon. Now just hoping it won't come back overnight.

Tomorrow morning I have blood tests for thyroid and ferritin. Not sure why the GP has asked for ferritin as he had it in the last set of GP bloods just a week or three ago (a little high). The form isn't entirely clear as to whether it's supposed to be fasting or not, so I've been googling and both turn out to be a lot more complicated than one might think. I'd better leave  breakfast until after I get back, to be on the safe side.

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