Wednesday, 11 November 2020

11/11/20 Zometa and white van

 Had a very pleasant walk down to the Good Easter ford yesterday morning

We both really like it down there - it's very peaceful and tranquil and good for healing the soul. Very much a favourite place.

After getting home from that, off to Springfield for my four-weekly Zometa drip. The appointment was for 14:00 and I was bang on time with my mandatory face-mask on. 75 minutes later, one of the nurses started getting the canula in. The waiting time has gradually got worse from almost nothing before COVID to this. I'm not sure whether it's the extra time needed for anti-COVID precautions between each patient, or increasing pressure from NHS patients diverted into the private system or what, but the waiting time just gets longer and longer. Anyway, we got the drip done and I collected my stack of meds for the next cycle of maintenance.

On the way back home, a big white van had been close on my tail for about three miles. Approaching home I indicated right (18:02:23 0n the video) and started slowing gently before turning into our drive. He also indicated right within a second or two and overtook (while I was still indicating right), then had to get back to the proper side of the road rather quickly because of oncoming traffic. My thoughts about his driving are recorded for posterity on the dashcam video... (text lifted from a Facebook post)

That didn't leave me in the best of tempers, and I'm afraid Sue got the short end of it until I calmed down a bit. I'm sorry about that, especially as it was my birthday and she deserved something better.


  1. I assume the driver coming towards you was just as unimpressed! And what was the music?

  2. Horns were sounded! The radio was on JazzFM, I'm not sure what the track was.


06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...