Monday, 28 October 2019


We saw Dr.Ch again today to monitor progress. He seems very happy with how things are going. We now have an official Stage under the Revised International Staging System: I'm Stage One. Which is good. Better then Stage Two, and etc.. He also thinks it likely that I'll need just four rather than six cycles of chemo before the SCT (stem cell transplant), which puts the date for that into early March. That would mean most of the rest of March in hospital, followed by April, May, and into June for the recovery period at home. If all goes well, of course! And - assuming the insurers cooperate - it'll be at the London Clinic in Marylebone, where they have some of the top people for these things.
Next thing is another weekly shot of Velcade on Wednesday (which means another two days of Dex with the inevitable sleep-disturbed nights again), and a week after that I have another Velcade and a Zometa infusion as well. Plus the usual bloods at every opportunity.
Also on Wednesday (afternoon), just as a reminder that other things go on as well, I have to take my hearing aids into Specsavers for an update.

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