Wednesday, 18 December 2019


Had my (rather late) 'flu jab today, as far away from steroids in both directions as possible. Had to have it in Boots because the surgery cancelled as they had run out of vaccine. So it was a little annoying a day or two ago to find that they had a new supply in - but of course my original appointment had already been taken by somebody else. Having it done in a commercial pharmacy involved some extra paperwork and interrogation, but despite Sue's fears I didn't have to pay (being over 65 and with cancer). No reaction at all so far.

Dr.Ch phoned this evening to say that for cycle 3 (starting 27/12/19) he is doubling the thalidomide dose - standard practice, apparently. I must read up on side-effects and be quick to drop the dose back down if unpleasant ones appear.

Two more "Cancer on Board" badges arrived in today's post. That's one to live permanently on each of my two "man-bags", and one spare for any other use. Should cover everything.

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18/11/2024 Much much betterer

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