Monday, 14 September 2020

14/09/20 (2) Phone consultation awith DCr.Ch and non-secretory myeloma

I've had my four-weekly 'phone consultation with Dr.Ch. The basic plan is to continue with the current Len/Dex indefinitely (or until there is evidence that it isn't working any longer), although with an eye to gradual reduction of dosage if we can get away with it. So "consolidation" gradually turns into "maintenance" without any real distinction between the two.

He accepted the possibility of the rib lesion becoming active again and of my myeloma becoming non-secretory. He is organising PET and CT scans to check for this, which will be at The Scanning Centre in London so at some point I'll have to make the journey there. I hope we're not into a full-blown second coronavirus wave by then...

He also raised the possibility of involving a muscle specialist for an opinion about the shoulder thing, but that didn't develop any further at this stage.

Another promise to send the Bone Marrow Biopsy results through, along with a cytogenetic report which apparently does exist after all, and I've asked for copies of the early blood tests - first one I have is 18/11/19 and there were three or four before that, as far as I recall.

I had a decent walk around the triangle as well.


  1. Is there a physiotherapist closer to you who could give an opinion on the shoulder?

  2. Yes, but I'm no admirer of physiotherapy except under rather limited conditions. I've wasted far too much of my time with useless ones, and the further I can stay away from them the happier I am!

  3. On the other hand, my experience of them has been uniformly positive, most recently following a bad fall about a year ago.

  4. Rehab from traumatic injury or surgery is the areas where I do have some respect for physiotherapy and even some positive experience. But when it comes to chronic conditions, my experiences - which go way back into childhood - have been very disappointing.


19/01/2025 Results update

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