Saturday, 19 September 2020

19/09/20 Flu jabs

There's been a lot on the Facebook Myeloma group as to whether we should have 'flu jabs or not. Sue and I had ours this morning, and no reaction at all (yet), not even a slightly sore arm. It was all done in the open air in the GP surgery car park at one of several socially distanced stations they had set up, which makes a lot of sense from the point of view of reducing COVID risk. Face-masks all round, of course. It was a warm sunny morning with not much wind - might have been different on a cold rainy day with the wind  blowing everything around. I suppose they would have just moved inside. Sue found it a bit odd having the injection in full view of passers-by etc., but that didn't bother me a bit.

Tesco's food delivery yesterday came in "tray liners" rather than the usual plastic bags. These liners are like oversized bags but without handles. Stuffed full - especially with bottles of milk and fruit juices - they are heavy and not  easy to handle when you have to lift them off the floor and carry them through to the kitchen. The consequence this morning is that after several days with no shoulder/neck problem, I've now got it back again. Not badly, but definitely there. Just muscular, or is that side of it triggered more easily because of the rib lesions? It's very hard to decide.

After the 'flu jabs we went for a short walk in Tower Gardens (the first bit of Admiral's Park in Chelmsford). I didn't have a walker in the car so had to do it with just a stick - that was OK but definitely slower than I am with a walker, and had to pay very close attention to avoid tripping or stumbling - one tree root nearly got me. I can't help remembering what it was like just a year or so ago when even a tiny stumble (with two sticks) would send agonising pain through my hip and freeze me to the spot for a few seconds before I could move again. Slightly scary if it happened while crossing a road... 

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