Tuesday, 8 December 2020

08/12/20 Delayed meds

Went into Springfield early afternoon for what would normally have been a Zometa drip, but this time just to collect the next package of pills. But there had been what I shall politely call a failure of communication between Dr.Ch (writing a new prescription on Sunday) and the pharmacy (failing to notice it on Monday), result being that nothing had been done. So I went away empty-handed and am now awaiting the arrival of a courier with the pills, promised later this afternoon.

After Springfield I drove to a nearby supermarket with low fuel prices to fill up the car, but their filling station was closed. Had to drive across Chelmsford for the next best instead. It's been a day of small frustrations like that, and once I got home and had some lunch, the fatigue / tiredness / exhaustion hit hard for a few hours. The weather doesn't help - just a degree or so above freezing, grey, with traces of overnight fog still lingering.

Well, tomorrow will be a dex morning, assuming I have any dex to take. I think I need a touch of dex mania to lift me out of a bad frame of mind today. And I haven't mentioned the heating oil delivery, which turned up early morning without - for the second time running - having sent the usual warning text the day before so the side gate and the oil tank padlock weren't unlocked in readiness. Good thing I was up.

UPDATE 00:20 on 09/12/20: No courier, no pills. I can't say I'm surprised. I'll wait until 11 or so before I 'phone the pharmacy. Tomorrow should be a dex morning, don't really want to leave that for later in the day (for sleep reasons) or for Thursday, which would mean taking all 20mg in one go as was the original plan. Splitting the dose over two days has made a small but noticeable difference.

UPDATE 11:50 on 09/12/20: 'Phoned the pharmacy, now awaiting a call back...

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