Sunday, 20 December 2020

20/12/20 (2) COVID tiers again

If we pay strict attention to the rules (stay in your local area and don't cross from one tier to another except for unavoidable reasons) we can't go more than a short distance for exercise and walks to the west, south, or east. That leaves the Tier Two corridor north to Dunmow so as it wasn't raining, that's where we went this morning after Pill Organisation. The planned walk from St.Mary's churchyard was a bit boggier than expected so we modified it a bit and got a reasonable distance in the end - made harder for me by having to push Victor through some deep gravel. At least his last punctured wheel is holding air OK, and the new drinks holder works. Felt shattered when we got home, complete lack of energy for a couple of hours and most of the evening as well. I haven't had a proper dex crash for a while, but that's what it felt like.

I don't suppose it'll be long before we're moved into Tier 4 (Tier 3 is effectively non-existent in London and the South-East now) and one benefit of that will be to free up movement in the other directions. Not that that's exactly the point! I'm just going to keep as low a profile as I sensibly can until I get vaccinated, and signs are that may not be until February.

All this sometimes makes me forget that my main problem is the myeloma I have got rather than some pernicious upstart virus that I haven't. But not for long.

Dunmow is the home of the restaurant Square One, and the young Head Chef there Alex Webb won this year's Masterchef Professional title. I hope it survives long enough that when this is all over we can book a table.


  1. Lucky you to jave Alex Webb nearby... though the menu pricetags will no doubt shoot up, and.... you'll have to book years ahead!!! FixRheumatix

  2. It's worth a look at the menus. Search for "Square One, Dunmow". Haven't tried to book yet...


06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...