Wednesday, 16 December 2020

16/12/20 Bloods and Cafe

After two unanswered emails I 'phoned the Springfield Cancer Centre about my results from 3rd December, and that produced the usual email  a few hours later. The good news is that the paraproteins are still undetectable, the slightly less good (but probably insignificant) news is that a couple of the Free Light Chain numbers (lambda and the mysterious kappa : lambda ratio) are slightly in the red. But they've been there before and gone back to normal. My sixth COVID swab test came back negative.

Went for the "long walk" in Tower Gardens / Admirals Park / Central Park, had sausage rolls and coffees for lunch. The Cafe is now down to takeaway only, no seating outside but there are plenty of park benches around. Technically we were probably wrong in driving from Tier 2 (us) into Tier 3 (Chelmsford) for exercise, but we used judgement and discretion. Never got close enough to anyone for even the most minute risk of virus transmission.

10mg of Dex this morning (10 more tomorrow), so might be a fun night but at the lower dosage the dex doesn't affect me as much as it used to, particularly when I was on the higher doses.

Did my six-monthly update of RUDY (Rare Undiagnosed Diseases studY) by filling in near-endless tick-box exercises. I've also signed up for their "Prepare" study into Myeloma which will involve blood and urine tests at regular intervals over the next five years, as well as plenty more tick boxes. It'll give me something to look forward to, and if it helps understanding of the disease and development of new treatments, it can't be bad.

Nothing on the calendar for later today, apart from Sue having a dental appointment at 13:30 and probably not feeling much like a walk later. So if the weather permits, I'll do a local walk at some stage. Still haven't tested that troublesome Veloped back tyre so that should be a good opportunity. It seems to be holding pressure well while standing idle in the garage.

Look, no photos today!

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06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...