Sunday, 20 December 2020

20/12/20 Wound Spray, etc.

No walk today, partly because of the inevitable rain. Spent the morning paying the weekly bills, making a batch of hard butter, giving the cat drinking fountain its weekly clean, and finally getting the drink holder fitted on Walter the Walker - the necessary parts arrived from Stefan in Sweden a day or two ago. In the interests of getting that done I've sacrificed the second stick holder on that side but I'm way past the stage of needing two sticks now and if I ever need to go back to it I've still got the parts.

Haven't mentioned the constipation issue for a while, which doesn't mean that it's gone away. Not much action for a day or two so I had a well-timed Fybogel a couple of nights ago (as well as the routine daily Senna) and that has sorted things out. No need, this time at least, to resort to Laxido. It's all about getting the timing just right.

I've been having trouble with finger (and thumb) splits. For quite a few years I've been prone to them especially when the outside temperature drops below 10C, but the skin-thinning properties of steroids (dex) makes me even more vulnerable to them. So I wear gloves - which, basically, I hate - whenever outside at this time of year and plaster my hands with various hand creams, none of which seem to make much difference. These splits are ridiculously painful consideing their size, and take a couple of weeks to heal. Regular applications of Vaseline work as well, and probably better, than anything else. I've also been getting splits alongside knuckles and on my wrists. The knuckle ones make moving the relevant finger difficult and painful, the wrist ones won't stop bleeding once they're disturbed. The blood thinner Xarelto doing its job, perhaps. Elastoplast Wound Spray, which squirts a layer of plastic over the "wound", helps once the bleeding has slowed.

(Off Topic) I've been greatly enjoying pianist Gabriel Latchin's new album "I'll be home for Christmas". Me, buying a CD of Christmas songs? It seems unlikely, but these aren't the usual superficially "jazzed up" versions. Most of them are by songwriters of "The great American songbook" and Latchin has got deep inside them and treated them with the respect they deserve. His versions strip out all the Christmasy schmaltz and relate the songs to the jazz traditions. They are, in short, simply brilliant, showing these familiar songs in totally new lights. Highly recommended!

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