Wednesday, 23 December 2020

23/12/20 (2) Tier 4

As expected, all the remaining parts of Essex will move into Tier 4 on Boxing Day. That includes us and Dunmow. I had quite expected tomorrow or even today, but I suppose that would not have been practical. 

The Myeloma relevance is that going into Chelmsford (or almost anywhere else) will no longer require crossing a Tier boundary, so Admiral's Park, Oaklands Park, and all the various country parks etc. will be open to us for strictly socially-distanced walks and exercise. When it stops raining, that is.

We now also have "quarantine" - effectively Tier Five - where you aren't allowed any contact with any other person at all. This is a response to the new South African variant that we heard about for the first time this afternoon.

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