Wednesday, 9 December 2020

09/12/20 Interruptions and pill delivery

If yesterday was a day of frustrations, today has been about interruptions. I lost count of how many times I tried to start scrambling a couple of eggs for lunch, but someone pushed the doorbell, a 'phone rang, or an incoming email demanded attention. Or something else. But I got my lunch in the end, and after several 'phone calls in both directions a courier arrived with my delayed meds.

Because of the need to stay in until important deliveries arrived, I was down to a local walk this afternoon. Decided to take Victor the off-road walker from the garage rather than take the time to get Walter (the other Trionic walker) out of the back of the car. But Victor now has a very deflated back tyre... Not sure if it's a puncture or just a leaky valve - leaving that until tomorrow. Being convinced that changing to Walter would inevitably reveal another flat or some other problem to delay my exercise, I headed off for The Triangle with just a stick. It had to happen sooner or later. By far the longest distance I've done that way for a long time and it went well, apart from giving me a bit of an ache in the non-stick shoulder. Easy to forget that reliance on walkers does mean that some muscles don't get the work they need.

But main thing - the pills are here and I've started the next cycle on time, although the dex pills were after lunch rather than breakfast. That might have consequences for sleep tonight...

Another 'phone call from my new Case Manager at AXA HEALTH, my old one the very helpful Liz Cash having retired. On the surface he was having a friendly chat to introduce himself and as about how I'm doing, but I don't doubt that underneath he was looking for ways to save some money on me. So we played a round or two of verbal chess and I think we ended on a stalemate.

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