Wednesday, 30 December 2020

30/12/20 Diary confusion and the light at the end of the tunnel

I had my next lot of bloods at Springfield down for 11:00 tomorrow 31st. I clearly remember a discussion with the nurse who booked it about whether I was OK to come in on New Year's Eve. I said I'm OK as long as you are and she said they would all be in as usual so no problem.

We went for the long Admiral's Park walk this morning - never seen so many people there, not even in height of summer - and came back to a message on the landline saying "Where are you? Appointment for blood this morning..." Today is the 30th.

I 'phoned them. No chance of doing it tomorrow because it's a "treatment day" when the chemo nurses are all over in the main building. I've booked Monday 4th Jan at 11:30, the main problem is that the regular 'phone consultation with Dr.Ch is booked for 10:30. Even if he's on time he won't have the bloods results. I've emailed him and reckon that he will still be able to see the results by the end of the day and be able to authorise the next batch of meds for me to collect as booked 14:00 on the 5th.

I also have a dentist appointment at 14:30 on the 4th, further reducing the options for delaying the 'phone call with Dr.Ch until later in the day.

More good news on the vaccination front - the Oxford / Astra-Zeneca vaccine has been approved "rollout" will start on the 4th. My best guess is that Sue and I will reach the front of the queue at the end of  January or early Feb, followed by at least four weeks before the second injection.

On the way back to the car park from the walk we spotted this. It seems appropriately symbolic:

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06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...