Monday, 21 December 2020

21/12/20 One word...

Four letters, starts with R, rhymes with 'again'. Looks like another day shut inside.

Having some low back / hip troubles. Started a few days ago on the right, well round to the side, and has now moved across to the left side. Bad in the morning, gradually improves through the day. Purely muscular, I think, and not related to the myeloma. Anyway, I need to get a couple of bags of water softener salt in from the garage, and I'm leaving that until later in the day when it should be better.

As for the myeloma, my main hope at the moment is that I'm past the fatigue or dex crash or whatever of yesterday and won't spend as much of the day asleep either downstairs or up here in front of the computer. That's just empty wasted time when I could be doing something useful.

Still waiting for copies of consultant letters, oral surgeon appointments etc.. Probably close enough to Christmas now that nothing will happen until we're into the New Year.

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