Saturday, 12 December 2020

12/12/20 Teacakes, phone calls, letters

Not much for yesterday. We dodged the showers and did the extended version of the short walk to the Central Park cafe and had coffees and toasted teacakes for lunch, if that makes any sense. Otherwise, kept on taking the tablets. The exposed jawbone caused by Zometa is now pain-free, but no sign of an oral surgeon appointment as yet. And although I now have an early and unexpected cancellation appointment for my NHS "Parkinson's?" appointment on Monday morning (about four or five weeks being a lot better than the 47 weeks I was warned to expect), but the appointment letter hasn't arrived yet. One more chance later today. I 'phoned Broomfield after yesterday's post arrived at about 4pm but got a brush-off because the appropriate staff weren't in. COVID, possibly. So I tried Central Referrals for the local trust and they couldn't help much but at least told me the request had originated from the Writtle Surgery (mine) so it has to be that appointment rather that the DaT scan ordered by Dr.Zo at Springfield, which is a lengthy business that takes four or five hours. I never intended the self-pay private side and the NHS side would run into each other like this but can't be helped, it would have been crazy to refuse this cancellation appointment and possibly go back to waiting 40 weeks or so. And that reminds me that I haven't had a copy of Dr.Zo's diagnosis letter yet. Maybe I should blame the Christmas post.


  1. Asked for photos of teacakes, Google provided a wide variety of them. I think your readers need some greater detail. The one with cinnamon caught my eye.

  2. Your wish is my command. I like cinnamon and allspice, maybe a touch of nutmeg, rather than the generic and vague "mixed spice".


06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...