Tuesday, 15 December 2020

15/12/20 Off Topic - COVID tiers

West Essex - where I live - is moving into the most restrictive Tier 3 because of the rise in COVID cases in our area, possibly related to the new mutant strain.  But that's not quite the full story - we come under Uttlesford not Chelmsford, if only by a few dozen yards, and therefore we remain in Tier 2. Of the surrounding towns, Chelmsford, Ongar, and Harlow are all going into Tier 3, and we are discouraged from going into Tier 3 areas except for passing through and "necessary” reasons including work, education, youth services, to receive medical treatment, or because of caring responsibilities". Shopping - even for food - is not included. The only nearby town with a couple of supermarkets and a good range of other shops is Great Dunmow. And that's where we plan to go later today, for a much-needed decent walk (rain permitting) and a bit of supermarket shopping.

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06/03/25 Another consultation...

 ...with my haematologist this morning, face-to-face this time. Paraproteins up from 6 to 10, light chain ratio up from 6 to 17, but that...