Wednesday, 31 March 2021

31/03/21 I can't think of a title for this one

An even warmer day but I didn't get to take much advantage of it with one thing and another followed by a visit to the GP surgery for my three-monthly B1 injection. That took longer than it should have done because the receptionist who let me in at the door and said she'd sign me in actually didn't. So that was half an hour waiting that needn't have happened.

On a better note for the surgery, we both had texts yesterday morning asking us to make second COVID injection appointments for next week. I phoned, and the receptionist said "Do you want this week?". So we're both booked in tomorrow afternoon for Pfizer Part II. The daily backgammon hour has been adjusted accordingly.

The thumb split has improved a little today, but perhaps the best news is that no others have appeared and the ones that were nearly gone are now almost completely gone. The oedema is a bit better as well, which is a bit odd as I didn't take a diuretic yesterday.

No senna again last night. I expect to start it again tonight.

Despite not getting a walk in, I hit my targets again. Just one day to go to finish the Mucles4Myeloma "challenge", and we're aiming for a new walk that Sue discovered in Ongar a few days ago.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

30/03/21 An offer of help

A very much warmer day yesterday - one might even say hotter (19C) - and the winds of the last few days have dropped away. Went for my after-lunch walk early afternoon (I've been experimenting with American methods for "scrambled eggs") and didn't use any gloves. Hoping that some good honest sunshine and ultra-violet rays would have a healing effect on the finger splits. And in fact, it's only the one on the end of my right thumb that's causing much of a problem now. My unofficial medical adviser thinks it's all a consequence of the eighteen months of steroids (dex).

The walk was one I haven't done since last summer, along the A1060 to Ongar Road then right towards (and past) Shorts Farm. On the way back I decided to stop for a few minutes and sit on a convenient fallen tree trunk. A rather nice white Audi drove past. A few minutes later it came back, and the driver lowered her window to ask whether I was alright. I said yes, I'm fine, just taking a break and enjoying the sunshine. She (with what was presumably her husband in the passenger seat) then drove on in the direction they had originally come from. I got my walker organised and set off along the road towards home. After a hundred yards or so the same car passed me and we exchanged waves. Several conclusions follow:

There are still good people around. They saw me, thought I might be in need of some help, turned round and came back to check. Then drove on, turned again, and went back to their original journey. Whoever those two are, I thank them for their concern and their readiness to do something about it.

Not all Audi drivers are complete b*st*r*s. Some of them are, but nothing like as many as BMW drivers.

I may look rather worse than I think...

This was taken during the walk:

On the old favourite topic of constipation, things almost went into reverse in the morning. I'm giving myself a couple of days off the Senna.

My watch behaved strangely during the walk, It stayed stuck on 700 or so (the amount I did around the house before going out), but leapt up to several thousand after I got home. Google Fit and Samsung Health both record several thousands, but differ by a thousand or so. I'm happy as long as Muscles4Myeloma is happy that I've done enough for the day.

Monday, 29 March 2021

29/03/21 Finger splits are back

A couple of days ago I thought I'd seen the last of the infernal finger splits for this year at least. But they're back with a vengeance. Finger tips, sides, knuckles, back of hand. Anywhere except the palms, you name it and I've got a split there. We've had a couple of colder days and I've only been outside the bare minimum without the sheepskin gloves on, but still they come. And I'm not even on skin-thinning dex at the moment. Nothing seems to make much difference to them, not even the trusty Vaseline or the new Calendula. They heal in their own time, and then some more come along to replace them. Maybe when warmer weather arrives properly I'll be able to abolish them at least until next winter.

Skin on the backs of my hands less papery than yesterday, but that may be because they're a bit puffed up with the oedema. Certainly hard to get rings off this evening. Nothing in the diary for today, so I'll take a Furosemide first thing.

Short walk yesterday, just up to Pepper's Green Lane and back. But enough to meet my targets, and my watch delivered a reasonable number of steps.

Sunday, 28 March 2021

27/03/21 Oedema, Danbury, clocks

The oedema is now about 75% back to where it was first time around, and the policy of taking  Furosemide whenever it seems particularly bad isn't having much impact. I think I'm going to put myself onto alternate days, or maybe three days a week, for a while. It worked last time. The problem is that the inevitable consequences of diuretics can interfere with doing anything that involves leaving the house for quite a few hours. Some ingenuity in diary planning is required.

Also noticed that the skin on the backs of my hands is particularly thin and papery at the moment

Today's hour of permitted exercise (loosely interpreted) was in Danbury Country Park, in a village a few miles the other side of Chelmsford. Several years since we've been there:

OK, it looks pretty much like all the others... And it'll look better when there are a few more leaves on the trees.

My watch half-behaved itself. We were well into the walk before it jumped from the low hundreds into the several thousands, so it didn't recognise my movement as "walking" until I'd been going for quite some time. I'm still confused by Google Fit (supposed to sync with my ring) and Samsung Health (supposed to sync with my phone), both of which record zero steps for yesterday. Despite that, MoveSpring gives me  few thousand and tells me that I've met 20 out of 15 goals for Muscles4Myeloma. Oh well, as long as it says I've met all my goals I suppose I should be happy with that.

Still so pleased with the last blood test results that I'm going to include the most important part:

and that's it for tonight, when the clocks go backwards. Or possibly forwards. I could never get my head around it. Anyway, I think we've got the few manual clocks left in this house the wrong way round.

Will sort that out later...

Friday, 26 March 2021

26/03/21 Blood test results

All good. Paraproteins still undetectable, everything else either in normal range or only slightly outside. That's after a fortnight off both len and dex. If I were to say I'm relieved that would be a huge understatement. COVID test also negative again.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

25/03/21 First Birthday


Today is the first birthday of The Transplant That Never Was. As things have turned out, I'm very pleased that I never had it. I'm still in remission (and hoping the the blood test results due tomorrow won't change that)  and new drugs and combinations come along all the time. The transplant option will still be there for a couple of years or so, but  there's no doubt that it is no longer the "gold standard" treatment that it once was. Anyway, I've just lost a year of my life to COVID, I don't want to lose another one to the recovery from transplant.

Some good news from an unexpected direction. When I got my first smartwatch several years ago I was a little annoyed to find that it failed to count the steps taken behind a lawnmower - because, I assume, there is no swinging of the arm, just a smooth forward motion. Later, and with a newer watch, the same thing applied to using a walker - it just didn't register the steps. That meant doing complicated work-arounds with my wearable smart ring which calculates "step equivalents" from a combination of GPS, height and stride length data, and whatever it can get from blood flow up one finger as measured by the three sensors on its inner surface. It's supposed to send its results to Google Fit and Samsung Health, and one of them passes results on to another app for the Muscles4Myeloma "challenge".For a reason I haven't fathomed, that works perfectly sometimes, not at all at other times, or gives obviously absurd results occasionally. But now...

My watch installed some new software for itself yesterday, and when I looked expecting the usual low count for the day, I found a much more realistic number well into the thousands. It seems that it is now capable of registering steps behind a walker (or even a lawnmower?) That's progress for you!

For our walk today we had the first trip of the new season to Marks Hall Arboretum:

And a rare thing, a selfie of your author:

24/03/21 Zoom

I started the day with a Zoom meeting of Myeloma UK's Advocacy Panel - 19 members (including me) plus a few from Myeloma UK's staff. It started at 09:30 and was due to end at 12:30. In fact it over-ran quite a bit. We had two short breaks, but it was an intense morning as there was a huge amount of information to absorb and process.

Did the triangle in the afternoon, so all targets met.

Last Friday's blood results should be in tomorrow. I'm even more nervous than usual this time because these will be the first results since my "holiday" from Len & Dex.

There should be more to write about but I think my brain has seized up after that long Zoom session in the morning.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

23/03/21 Fields

 A nice bright spring day yesterday. Here's the usual shot of the view from the back of the house, looking a bit warmer than usual recently:

In the afternoon I took Victor the off-road waker across the fields for the first time this year, as the tracks are starting to dry out:

Passing the neatest and tidiest farm yard you'll find anywhere:

And after that I did a litter pick along the A1060 from the Four Wantz (Ongar Road junction) back to home. Pleased to be able to say that I didn't find much.

It would have been close to a perfect day (I also won the regular online backgammon by three points, after a couple of really bad weeks), if not for the finger splits. I really thought I'd got rid of them, helped by the warmer weather, but the one at the end of my right middle finger has opened up again and is at its most painful stage...

The "fatigue" is at least 90% as bad as ever. Whatever is causing it isn't either the dex or the len, as far as I can tell. Perhaps it's a part of the disease that doesn't show in the paraprotein and free light chain numbers.

Excuse me for a while, as I drop off for an hour or so.....

Monday, 22 March 2021

22/03/31 Dunmow Rec

First, I've bought Claire Gilbert's book Miles To Go Before I Sleep: Letters on Hope, Death and Learning to Live (see a few posts ago) - not least because I can get it in Kindle form at a significantly lower price. No doubt I'll have things to say about it later.

On the advice of friends who live nearby, we went to Dunmow Recreation Ground for our daily exercise. It's much more than a football field with a path round the outside - opens out into grassland and a good walk along the Chelmer. Never a big river, but even less so this far upstream. It'll be a lot more attractive and tempting a bit later in the year, but a good addition to our list of walking territory. And I took the wrong walker, because Walter was already in the back of the car. There's a lot of rough grass and the three-wheeled off-road Victor would have been a better choice.

(stock photo, I didn't take any)

Sleepiness / tiredness / exhaustion / fatigue / whatever struck again after getting home and a light lunch of soda bread and garlic & herb Boursin - rather a good combination. You have to remember that paraproteins and free light chains are the best and simplest indicators of the progression of myeloma, but they are also far less than the ideal 100% comprehensive picture. It's entirely possible that the fatigue is a product of the disease and not a side-effect of the treatment....

Sunday, 21 March 2021

21/03/21 Random thoughts

Back in 2019 when I started this blog I described it as "a more-or-less daily record of my time with Multiple Myeloma" . In another place I think I declared an intention to post every one or two days, if I can."

Well, the time has come. 

I can't. I can't think of a thing to write about that I haven't exhausted already. If I stick to myeloma relevance, all I've got is today's exercise. Oaklands Park. All targets met. Still falling asleep.

If I go a bit off-topic to COVID (well, it does impact on my condition in a  number of ways), then I'd get into the chaotic and dangerous state of the tangle that the EU has got itself into. I really don't want to go there, I'm just waiting for my second Pfizer injection, due in the middle of next month. And by then, if nothing changes, shielding will be over and I'll be rather more free to head gingerly and slowly back towards normal.

The Writtle Jazz Festival (just a few miles up the road from here) should be happening on August 8th. I'm crossing my fingers and buying an Early Bird ticket. And then, on September 13th, I already have a ticket for Saffron Opera Group's Tannhauser, postponed from last year. My musical tastes are nothing if not eclectic! With luck (and a vaccination certificate) those two dates will be the foundation for a return to something like normal. My fingers are crossed.

Not to mention my toes.

Saturday, 20 March 2021

20/03/21 Admiral's Park, and new pills

Went to Springfield Hospital yesterday morning to have my blood taken and to collect the next set of pills. So cycle 11 started a couple of hours ago with a 15mg Lenalidomide/Revlemid capsule. It's quite something of a relief, after two weeks off, to be back on that again even if at a reduced dose. Unlikely to go back on the dex until cycle 12 starts in four weeks time. The results of those blood tests might make it earlier if it looks as if the paraproteins are on the march again...

The weather was good, so I stopped at Admiral's park for a walk. Well, time to clarify: what we call in general "Admiral's Park" is in fact three different places one after the other: Tower Gardens (including the main car park), Admiral's Park, and finally Central Park which includes the Cafe and the lake. Central Park is not central in any sense except that it's closer than the other two to the centre of the city. Admiral's Park itself is the least interesting of the three. Here's a photo I took today in Tower Gardens:

Lots of good colour in there.

I took the less-used route through Tower Gardens towards Writtle College, although I didn't make it all the way. But I did beat all the day's targets, recording over 6,000 paces. However, still fell asleep after lunch and again later. It looks as if whatever's causing the "fatigue", its's not the len or the dex.

Friday, 19 March 2021

19/03/21 Not a lot

Not a lot today. I hit my Activity Target without leaving the house except for going to the garage and back, mainly because of a multitude of small jobs around the place, and the inevitable rain. Off to Springfield later today for bloods and the meds for the next cycle. I'll feel happier back on the Lenalidomide, even if only 15 mg rather than 25.  I'll be looking forward to the blood test results in a week's time with even more trepidation than usual...

Thursday, 18 March 2021

18/03/21 Fatigue and oedema

We went into Chelmsford yesterday morning because Sue had to get something to a Post Office and we were hoping for a walk as well. But the rain  got too heavy and we had to abandon that plan. There's a small Marks & Spencer (in a petrol station) on the way home so we stopped for coffee and maybe to buy some lunch. Unfortunately that place has particularly good sausage rolls, but they were out of them. I ended up with a sausage bap and Sue had a bacon bap. Very tasty...

After lunch I had a full-scale "fatigue" attack. Not fully asleep (Sue might have a different view of that) but  flat out and couldn't raise a finger let alone the energy to get out of my chair and so something. It's hard to say what we've learned in the two-week experiment about this fatigue, but the answer seems to be not very much. If anything. I'll be glad to be back on the Lenalidomide on Friday (even if 15mg  rather than 25), not least because it might shed some light on this fatigue.

The oedema is still there, despite the Furosemide. Shoes are OK so far, but socks are difficult, particularly on the left where you can see more of the swelling around the ankle very clearly.Fingers also swollen, as shown by the increasingly difficulty of getting rings on and off.

Anyway the sleepiness passed after an hour or so, the rain stopped and we got sunshine instead so we set off to Pepper's Green Lane and down to the end - which  I did with a stick alone, no walker. I can do it, but I do feel a lot less steady and secure. And it not only got me past my activity target for Muscles4Myeloma, but it also got me past my pre-Myeloma target of 6,000 steps. 

Wednesday, 17 March 2021

17/03/21 Claire Gilbert

It was all go on the MyelomaUK Support facebook group and elsewhere yesterday, because of a piece in the Daily Mail (and also, I'm told, in The Times but I no longer have online access to that since they made such a mess of their website a few years ago. Maybe it's time I took another look...)  I had intended to quote just a few choice extracts but in the end I decided to go for the whole thing.

It is of course first and foremost an attempt to sell a book. But it also generates a picture of the author as - well, perhaps I'd better leave that to you. I suggested on the FB group that perhaps she was more in need of a team of psychologists than of a haematologist. Here we go: 

The call from the doctor came when I was enjoying a drink with my partner, Seán, in a pub in Hastings Old Town, not far from my home. 

That day, in January 2019, the doctor told me that I might have myeloma, an incurable cancer of the blood.

The Damocles’ sword of cancer has hung over me for a long time. It’s what my family dies of, if the last two generations are anything to go by. I lost both my parents and all but one of my grandparents to cancer.

I was then 54, and had long been silently waiting for another of our family to succumb. 

But I’d only been for a kidney check-up after a blood test had showed a ‘slight anomaly’. I had not expected this.

The doctor reassured me: ‘If you do have it, the treatments aren’t too bad. You don’t get sick or lose your hair or anything.’ But still. Cancer.

I went to the cloakroom and remember looking into my own eyes in the mirror, and seeing strength enough for this. And it may entail nothing, I thought.


In reality, though, my treatment — repeated bone biopsies, a clinical trial that involved prolonged chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant — has been horrific. It may, for now, have brought my myeloma under control but it brought me to the very edge of my humanity.

In my professional life, I am a medical ethics expert, having lectured on the ethics of medical research on humans and advised the Church of England on such matters. I have set up Institutes for Ethics at St Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.

I have always tried to bring feeling and emotion into moral decision making, but it wasn’t until I became a medical guinea pig myself that I really understood the physical, emotional and spiritual costs, as well as the obvious benefits, of such treatment.

How much, I found myself asking as I was treated, should our doctors expect us to endure? To cope, I wrote to people who love me about what I was going through. Here is a selection from those letters, in the form of a diary unfolding in real time.

Friday, March 8

Seven weeks after that phone call, it is confirmed: I have myeloma, a cancer affecting the white blood cells. My prognosis is I will die in about ten years.

I try to think positive. In ten years, I can do a great deal. And there are many things I don’t have to worry about. I’m unlikely to die alone and incontinent in a home. I have no descendants whose futures I want to see.

Yet when I read the booklet produced by the charity Myeloma UK, describing the disease’s symptoms, there is a tolling bell of doom sounding in my head.

Pain: 80 per cent have it, from bone disease caused by the cancer (white blood cells are made in the bone marrow).

Memories of my mother’s pain from fractured ribs caused by her cancer (malignant melanoma, that spread to her back) and my father’s terrible cries of pain from his bone cancer, are there in my heart, instantly. Bone disease means they break, especially the hips and ribcage.

There is also fatigue; overwhelming tiredness.

Spinal fractures mean you compress the spinal cord, and calcium is released from the damaged bone into the bloodstream, causing vomiting, confusion and constipation. Spinal compression can lead to peripheral neuropathy — numbness and pins and needles in the feet and hands.

Other symptoms: infection, kidney damage and anaemia.

Now I’m frightened. It’s one thing to face just ten more years of life in good health: what I could do with that time! It’s quite another to live with symptoms like these.

But the ways in which symptoms are treated are nearly as bad as the symptoms themselves.

One doctor suggests thinking of any treatment as something additional that is necessary to life — like eating and bathing and sleeping. Yet what lies ahead is to be little like a warm bath or a night tucked up in bed.

Even the diagnosis itself has involved brutal pain — a bone biopsy to extract my marrow, which leaves me braying like a birthing mother, thanks to the anaesthetic working only up to the bone, not in the bone.

The implements used are enormous, metal chisel-like things with handles, to screw round and bore into the bone.

Friday, March 22

My treatment is at Guy’s Hospital in London.

Dr Matthew, the consultant, and Grace, the clinical nurse specialist, are warm and caring. They say that while I don’t yet have symptoms, I do have definite signs of the disease, with high levels of abnormal cells and antibodies that will overwhelm my healthy blood cells.

I should, they say, have treatment.

A stem cell transplant is the gold standard, the most effective way of controlling the myeloma. It involves destroying the cancerous white blood cells, before my own previously harvested stem cells are reinfused to replace the damaged ones.

The transplant sounds horrific. First, to harvest my stem cells, I need ghastly growth hormones and other stem-cell encouragement drugs, with grim side-effects.

Then there’s a day connected to a machine to remove my stem cells. More nasty side-effects.

Then I will have a massive dose of chemotherapy — with melphalan, which is based on the mustard gas used in World War II, that will kill lots more of me than just my bone marrow and the stem cells within.

Next, my transplanted stem cells are re-infused into my bloodstream, bringing me back to life. Then there’s weeks in hospital and months recovering — with another 18 four-week cycles of maintenance chemotherapy.

But there is another option: I am offered a place on a clinical trial, which I take, desperate to avoid the stem cell transplant.

Four cycles of a new chemotherapy called carfilzomib, which avoids one of the usual side-effects, peripheral neuropathy; then random allocation either to a stem cell transplant or another four cycles of carfilzomib.

In truth, neither road ahead sounds inviting. Chemotherapy is given over two days each week for three weeks, then one week off. That’s one cycle. I will have four of them, with numerous nasty side-effects — despite what I was told by my first doctor.

Meanwhile, I still have to have stem cell harvesting (all trial participants have this). After, we are to be randomly placed in our trial groups.

Whether I end up having a stem cell transplant or extended carfilzomib, the next two-and-a-half years involve a journey from which I will not — to state the bleeding obvious — emerge unchanged. Neither will I be cured: the treatment ‘should’ improve my survival chances and control my symptoms. That is all.

Saturday, April 13

As the date for starting chemotherapy moves closer, I am raw as an open wound.

Why am I about to start something that will make me feel ill when I feel so well?

It’s so counter to assumptions I have relied upon until now: you only take medicine if you feel ill, and medicine makes you feel better. Not any more.

Thursday, April 25

I have to take a heap of pills in addition to the carfilzomib. My poor doctor has to go through all possible side-effects of the drugs.

They come as a barrage of muffled blows to my psyche: extreme tiredness; risk of infection; nausea; vomiting; hair loss; sore mouth and ulcers; anaemia; blood clots; impaired heart function; impaired kidney function; change in sense of taste; rashes; ringing in the ears; bruising or bleeding; numbness or tingling in the hands and feet; allergic reactions; fluid retention; irritation of stomach lining and digestion; diarrhoea; sleeplessness; unstable blood sugar; constipation; flu-like symptoms; nail changes.

If I haven’t had the menopause, it will bring it on; if I am pregnant, the foetus will be damaged.

My doctor also writes in specially: ‘rare side-effect of death on the treatment due to infection’.

There is another dreaded bone marrow biopsy at the end of the four cycles to see if the treatment is working.

Then, if I am chosen for stem cell transplant, a whole new level of side-effects is in prospect.

It is too much — like being rushed off to a holiday when you have had no time to pack. I hate being unprepared. Seán takes me in his arms as I weep.

Thursday, May 2

My first chemotherapy session. Sitting waiting, I think: thank God I have no children. 

And then think: maybe I didn’t have children because our mother died of cancer when I was 12 — and, consciously or unconsciously, I couldn’t risk a repeat abandonment.

Friday, May 17

I can’t walk too quickly after chemotherapy: it makes me feel ill, as though the poison is sloshing through my body. I collapse on the stairs at home, sobbing. I feel sick. I want it to stop. I’m vulnerable, raw, weak. Weak!

Thursday, May 30

Cycle two starts today. There’s also a phone call from Grace with some test results.

A normal person will have between three and 19 kappa light chains (an antibody you overproduce with myeloma). When I began treatment I had 1,102. I now have . . . 14!! So, obviously, I want to stop everything. I almost don’t have cancer now.

No, says Grace, her voice kind. You carry on with the treatment.

Of course. I still have cancer, and I will always have cancer.

Friday, May 31

Another phone call from Grace: my levels of paraprotein — an abnormal protein linked to myeloma — have halved from 11 to six. (Normal people don’t have paraproteins.) This is, Grace tells me, very good news. The treatment is working.

Friday, July 19

I stumble back to the flat, tears and mascara running down my face.

After my third cycle of chemotherapy, I’ve had my regular meeting with the consultant, who says that once I am through this first line of treatment, we will ‘hope for two to three years of remission’, before the myeloma returns and more treatment is necessary.

She had one patient — just one — who had 13 years in remission. It can be as short as seven months before the myeloma reappears.

So now I contemplate another ten years of life not just living with myeloma but being repeatedly treated for it.

No one had not said that. But the ‘new treatments are coming on stream all the time’ response to myeloma’s incurability had not translated until today into ‘you will be repeatedly treated’.

Having been through treatment once — and I haven’t yet hit the hardest bit — how can I want it ever to be repeated?

I weep. I will never be back to normal. It is endless limbo.

Thursday, October 10

I learn that I am to have the stem cell transplant. Hearing this feels worse than the original diagnosis of cancer, believe it or not.

Friday, October 18

I am told I am in remission. I am in remission!

So why am I about to have a stem cell transplant, killing my bone marrow and rebooting my system so dramatically? Because the incurable myeloma will only come back. My doctor tells me nothing has yet been shown to better the stem cell transplant.

Again, we go through the side-effects, a 2-3 per cent chance of death among them. I will take three months to feel as well as I do today. I sign the consent form.

Monday, October 28

Today is the 15th anniversary of my father’s death from cancer and the day of my own little death from melphalan.

While my transplant is to take place at University College London Hospital, I am to stay overnight at their Cotton Rooms hotel nearby — a hospital bed within the comfort of a hotel.

If my temperature goes up to 38c, I have to go into hospital because it means I have an infection. Once the melphalan has killed off my bone marrow I am neutropenic — meaning I have no immunity at all. Even bacteria in my own body can cause infection, and infection will kill if not treated.

Cold dread has seized me. I am infused with melphalan. It only takes half an hour but is a killer.

Back in the hotel, I feel strange. I have some mouth ulcers (already) and a queasy stomach.

Tuesday, October 29

I haven’t slept and feel shivery, queasy, sniffly. It occurs to me the one thing that cannot happen is that I do not receive my stem cell transplant tomorrow.

I’ve had the killer melphalan: if I don’t have my stem cells, I will die. I throw up.

Wednesday, October 30

I have my stem cell transplant. The nurse brings in two frozen bags of what looks like gloopy blood — the stem cells I last saw being extracted from my veins at the end of September. She thaws them in warm water and they are infused into me.

Thursday, October 31

It’s my birthday. Seán gives me a horseshoe for my present. I am very low. I feel sick, tired, useless, bloated, hot — and the melphalan side-effects, apart from nausea, haven’t even begun.

Saturday, November 2

Every mouthful of food is a struggle. My throat is swollen; my mouth is sticky with mucous. But I manage some crackers and yoghurt. (‘Don’t get out of the habit of eating,’ say doctors.)

Then I vomit. It feels as if my hard work has been destroyed. But the will to live is in me.

Monday, November 4

My throat is swollen. I am nauseous, nauseous, nauseous. And now, diarrhoea. I sweat. I have an angry, itchy rash all over my neck and torso.

I can’t just lie in bed and quietly die. I must eat and keep it down. I must take my drugs, get up, shower, dress, walk to the Cancer Centre. I am exhausted. and rest between every action.

Tuesday, November 5

I feel worse and worse. My mouth is full of ulcers, my tongue is coated in slime, my throat is swollen. Everything hurts. I throw up. I am cold.

Wednesday, November 6

At 8pm, nauseous and weak, I find my temperature is 38c. I am told to come to hospital and am relieved. Overnight, nurses come in and out and do things to me, as I lie helplessly, being kept alive.

The horror. The horror. How can anyone feel like this and keep on being alive and human? The cruelty of melphalan, destroying my alimentary canal when I need it so badly to get well.

I cannot clean my teeth. I sweat. I am so cold. I am in hell, being tortured. But hell is a bright, clean room, and my torturers, the nurses, healthcare assistants, the beautiful man who takes my reluctant food orders, are full of kindness.

Sunday, November 10

I am no longer neutropenic, the nurse tells me. My stem cells are up and at it. I’m out the other side. Except I’m not. I have bone pain from the stem cells; my throat hurts; I have a temperature and I’m crying my eyes out. My hair has moulted so my pink scalp is visible. I am crawling out of hell.

Doctors say my case is ‘plain sailing’. I shudder for those of my fellow patients who did not sail well.

Thursday, November 21

I have started lying about my symptoms, because every time I name one I receive a drug to deal with it. I am in rebellion against being treated like a machine.

Saturday, November 23

My temperature is 36.5c. I start to believe that one day I will go home.

Sunday, November 24

A message from the doctors: ‘The lady in Room 6 can be discharged.’

Monday November 25

I am home. Home! The next day, I eat a boiled egg and relish it.


The physical reality of the stem cell transplant is something I so want to describe.

Why? Because if medics can really hear how brutal a treatment it is, might the research question be asked: what is the alternative? Doctors try to be kind but they cannot know the pain. Only I can.

So pay attention, medical profession, as you dole out melphalan because ‘it works’; or design research protocols with multiple bone marrow biopsies because these give you neater measurements than blood or pee. 

You do not bear the cost. I know I am going to die, probably of myeloma, even if treatment gives me more years. 

Still, I will not let cancer be the cause of bitterness. I have discovered there are many miles to go before that final sleep, and the miles we walk actively create meaning — and the meaning is beautiful.

Adapted from Miles To Go Before I Sleep, by Claire Gilbert, to be published by Hodder on Thursday at £16.99. © Claire Gilbert 2021. To order a copy for £14.95 (offer valid to March 23, 2021; UK p&p free on orders over £20), visit or call 020 3308 9193.


A lot of people have argued that this would be very frightening to those newly diagnosed. Others have said that it in no way reflects their own experience, and inevitably there have been a few responses along the lines of "You think that's bad? Nothing compared to what I went through!"

On the whole I think it says more about the author than it does about myeloma. People with the disease will be able to make their own judgements. People not touched by it may at least get some idea of what it's like, if perhaps a distorted one. In Myeloma Awareness Month, perhaps "there's no such thing as bad publicity."

Behind all the anger and the self-pity and all the rest, there are grains of truth. I appreciated the strange comfort that comes from knowing how you are likely to die, and the alternative deaths you will probably avoid. I've felt all of that. As for transplant, it reinforces my feeling that I never want to go down that road. despite the many people who report a far better experience and years of remission.

I have one problem. To buy the book or not? 

Whatever the answer to that turns out to be, this piece will have made a lot of people who had never heard of myeloma aware ot it, and that can 't be entirely a bad thing.

I hit my activity target again, despite a rainy day keeping me inside. The Furosemide pill I took at about 10:00 had no effect for a couple of hours, and then I was in the bathroom at least once an hour until the evening. If I had gone out for a walk I would have had serious need for those convenient bushes...

Monday, 15 March 2021

15/03/21 Phone consultation and cats

To start with the less important stuff, easily beat my activity target with a longish walk along the A1060 nearly as far as the church. I might have gone further if not for the need to get back in time for tea (ours and the cats') and the threat of rain.

Chicken stock made and now cooling off before going in the fridge overnight.

As for the 'phone consultation with Dr.Ch, inevitably he was an hour late calling, in the middle of my dinner of cold chicken, sweet potato fries, and steamed spring greens. These are the main points:

"Fatigue" - improved at first but came back a little over the last two or three days. Possibly my activity/energy has returned to normal levels, bringing with it a normal level of tiredness. Well, it's a theory.

Oedema in ankles, feet, and hands and fingers (new). Organising an echogram to check for any new circulatory issues that may have appeared.

Next cycle: Stay off dex, but back to Lenalidomide at lower dose (15mg instead of 25). This is "one variable at a time" - good basic science - to assess the effects. Cycle after that, include dex as well.

The Springfield pharmacy probably won't have 15mg Lenalidomide in stock so will have to order it in. That means pill collection day for the next cycle will be Friday rather than the usual Wednesday, and I have to organise the next set of blood tests for that day as well. And that's about it.

Going back to falling asleep all the time, here's rescue cat Blue on "my" chair. We don't know whether she's worked out how to get that cushion down to lie on, or whether she just takes advantage of an accident - we've never caught he in the act:

After waking up comes the yawn:

and then the wash:

Blue and her fellow rescue cat Belle (another grey) do a lot for my "mental health". Time to acknowledge that.

15/03/21 Chickens

No walk yesterday - a combination of  a diuretic pill in the morning, the first visit of the year from our gardener (we started needing help there several years ago), doing a "Roast" chicken in the slow cooker (8 hours) then browning it off in the oven, helping Sue clean up the pond pump (which led to various complications with hose connections - a perfect example of a 'simple' job becoming much more complicated, time-consuming, and expensive than it looked at first sight), a bit of rain later in the day,  and sheer laziness. Nevertheless, I met my Activity Target - just!

The oedema seemed very slightly better, or certainly not worse. Also a better day with the finger splits, perhaps because - apart from the pond pump - I've stayed in the warm inside all day.

'Phone consultation with Dr.Ch this evening and an email from him confirms the expectation of going back onto Dex and Len on Wednesday at a lower dosage. I'll be glad of anything because for most of this last (nearly) fortnight I've felt rather as if a crutch has been kicked away from underneath me. You get so dependent on those pills... On the other hand, the "fatigue" has been a lot better and I haven't been falling asleep all the time. So there's a balance to be found.

Had an email today from another myeloma patient, daughter of someone I knew back in the 1960s and re-made contact with a year or more ago. She had some nice things to say about this blog. Thanks - you know who you are!

Perhaps this is a good time to say again that comments are always welcome, from myeloma patients or anyone else who may come across this blog. Alternatively, you can reach me at .

The chicken was good, btw. Very moist, tender, succulent, etc.. Later today I'll strip off all the rest of the meat and use the carcass and a few veggies to make some stock which will go towards a nice risotto or some soup. Or just into the freezer until inspiration strikes. Got to eat well to keep the nasties away.

I've been writing this post while watching a recording of a show of Dave Allen highlights. If only there was anything on TV these days a half, or even a quarter, as inventive and funny, it would be a better world. Or perhaps that just shows I'm getting old.

Sunday, 14 March 2021

14/03/21 Lunette al Tartufo

We did a longer walk at Oaklands Park - basically twice round with a diversion onto the roads behind to make it a bit longer. Just missed the rain, but keeping up with my Muscles4Myeloma targets.

Finger splits bad again... Typing with one finger only on right hand.

An appointment letter arrived (at last!) from the oral surgeon - April 13th. I get the impression this will be for assessment only and the actual procedure will be later but can't be sure.

Oedema in feet,ankles, hands and fingers still there and possibly a little worse. Furosemide again later today. Phone consultation with Ch booked in for 18:30 on Monday, so will talk to him about it.

Made some butter after lunch and did something I haven't done for far too long by making a very basic soda bread with the buttermilk. Just before going in the oven:

and just after coming out:

Colour variation due to taking one photo with (mainly) natural light and the other with electric (LED) light. I could mess around with colour temperatures etc, in PaintShop Pro but can't be bothered.

Treated ourselves mto an Italian takeaway from  Olio in Writtle. I had Lunette al Tartufo (Small disc pasta stuffed with ricotta cheese and black truffle, cooked in a light, white wine, cream and touch of tomato sauce) - superb!


(stock photo, and my sauce had rather more tomato colour)

Saturday, 13 March 2021

13/03/21 The importance of bushes

Nothing new yesterday, except that the Furosemide had its usual disruptive effect on my morning and required me to nip behind the bushes during a shortish afternoon walk up to Marks Hall Lane and back. You have to plan things very carefully while on a potent diuretic. Possibly a slight reduction in the ankle swelling, but too soon to be certain.

In the absence of anything else, here's an image I found online. It's called Pathogenesis of Multiple Myeloma, and no I don't understand all of it either...

Friday, 12 March 2021

12/03/21 Central Park Lake, oedema

Did the long version of Admiral's Park today, getting my step count up to a better level after yesterday; Here's a different view of the lake, with the Central Park Cafe on the left and the viaduct in the background. Unfortunately no train on it at the time.

Wide angle by the  S21 Ultra.

Nothing else exciting today apart from  a phone appointment with Dr.Ch on the 15th, as the two week experiment in cutting out dex and Len comes to an end.

Still nothing from the mysterious oral surgeon or from Dr.Zo about the DaT scan. I'm starting to get annoyed.

Definite ankle/feet oedema tonight, and hands and fingers a bit puffed up as well. Time for some Furosemide later, and will just have to fit the exercise around it. It's a bit strange, because last time around I thought dex was the culprit (as in so many things) and this time I'm off it. "It a mystery" in the words of Detritus the troll.

Thursday, 11 March 2021

10/03/21 Rain, Parkin

A familiar tale of a cold, wet, and windy day. Continuous rain and unpleasant to be outside so I limited myself to one trip from the back door to the garage and back. I've had the under-desk exercise bike out again...

Made some parkin this morning. Now "maturing" for a day or two.

I have fallen asleep a couple of times today, both during attempts to finish my recording of the Celebrity Bake-off. There must be something particularly somnolescent about it. Nevertheless, it's part of "Stand Up to Cancer" so I feel slightly obligated to  watch...

Still a bit of ankle swelling, but not quite enough to make me reach for the Furosemide.

Now to write a 3-paragraph bio for Myeloma UK's Advocacy Panel before the first Zoom meeting on the 24th.

That's a stock photo. Mine hasn't got that far yet.

It's a year since I did my stem cell harvesting...

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

10/03/21 Egress and Oedema

Copies of Dr.Ch's monthly reports to my GP usually arrive in hard copy through the post. This time it arrived electronically in the form of an Egress message - a rather complicated secure encrypted system. Fortunately I got my computer set up for it about a year ago for The London Clinic so it wasn't too hard to get it in clear. It confirms that he is considering cutting the Lenalidomide / Revlimid down to 15mg from 25mg after the two weeks off. I'd be happy to try that.

It's not very obvious in any other way, but I must be getting a bit of the ankle/foot oedema back again. My evidence is that it's become harder to get socks on. Shoes OK so far. I think I might get some of those 40mg Furosemide tablets out for a week or so.

Only a short walk today up to Pepper's Green Lane, but  enough to meet my targets. And again I haven't fallen asleep during the day, although it did come close a time or two. 

Tuesday, 9 March 2021

09/03/21 Blood test results and new walk

March blood test results are through, and all good. Paraproteins undetectable, free light chains ok - the kappa/lambda ratio (most important number) is slightly out of normal range but not enough to worry about. Other things normal or slightly outside but no more than can be expected considering the disease and the treatment.

For my daily exercise I turned right out of the house, ignored the triangular attractions of Ongar Road and Marks Hall Lane and carried on north-west along the A1060. I've not done that before, because I had it in my head that there's a stretch with no footpath on either side with some quite fast traffic. Not too pleasant pushing a walker on a road without much width. But there isn't. Went along almost as far the church and turned left along a Public Footpath through the fields:

Exciting, isn't it? Looks like something out of the Fens.

Good to see the recently cleared out ditches after the recent flooding, where many of the problems were caused by badly maintained drains and ditches. Anyway, good 6,000 steps walk, all activity targets met.

Monday, 8 March 2021

08/03/21 Fatigue and sous vide

Another day without falling asleep or feeling completely exhausted, so it's pretty clear that either the dex or the len or a combination of the two is behind the 'fatigue'. Obviously I can't come off them indefinitely so it's going to be a case of reducing the dose(s) to find a regime that keeps the myeloma suppressed without also causing too much 'fatigue'. But I'll take the fatigue etc. if that's the price of keeping the myeloma at bay. At least I'll know what the cause is.

We did an extended version of the short Admiral's Walk in the morning, including coffees and a millionaire's shortbread (shared) from the Central Park Cafe. The day's activity targets all met. This afternoon did sous vide fillet steaks in the slow cooker (which has a sous vide mode) with oven chips and steamed broccoli. 

Saturday, 6 March 2021

06/03/21 Braintree and John Ray

I sent my email to the NHS person (see previous post) and within a few moments this came back:

Please note I am away from the office until Monday 8 March.  If your matter is urgent please ring 0113 2433144 and ask for a Haematology secretary.

Aaargh! Still, it is the weekend. Can't really get annoyed about that.

This morning's email included a reply from the supposedly out-of-conatct Professor XXXX:

Thank you Ian. Very helpful indeed



And that will probably be the end of that. Job finished.

A new destination for today's exercise, and one we'll certainly be returning to - Braintree and Bocking Public Gardens, Very pleasant, lots of benches, and plenty of variety of paths so you can "go round twice" for more steps without going over the same ground in the same direction too much. It will be better still in a couple of months when the many fine trees will be in full leaf.

The history of the gardens goes back to the Courtauld family (yes, that one) and there is also a section that commemorates local man John Ray:

Link to a full-size image with readable text HERE. Use the + and - zoom buttons at the bottom of the screen.

14:55 and haven't fallen asleep yet today...

19/01/2025 Results update

Slightly annoyed with my consultant. Reading my copy of the clinic letter sent to GP after the last consultation, not only are my paraprotei...