Saturday, 20 March 2021

20/03/21 Admiral's Park, and new pills

Went to Springfield Hospital yesterday morning to have my blood taken and to collect the next set of pills. So cycle 11 started a couple of hours ago with a 15mg Lenalidomide/Revlemid capsule. It's quite something of a relief, after two weeks off, to be back on that again even if at a reduced dose. Unlikely to go back on the dex until cycle 12 starts in four weeks time. The results of those blood tests might make it earlier if it looks as if the paraproteins are on the march again...

The weather was good, so I stopped at Admiral's park for a walk. Well, time to clarify: what we call in general "Admiral's Park" is in fact three different places one after the other: Tower Gardens (including the main car park), Admiral's Park, and finally Central Park which includes the Cafe and the lake. Central Park is not central in any sense except that it's closer than the other two to the centre of the city. Admiral's Park itself is the least interesting of the three. Here's a photo I took today in Tower Gardens:

Lots of good colour in there.

I took the less-used route through Tower Gardens towards Writtle College, although I didn't make it all the way. But I did beat all the day's targets, recording over 6,000 paces. However, still fell asleep after lunch and again later. It looks as if whatever's causing the "fatigue", its's not the len or the dex.

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