Saturday, 2 November 2019

It never rains...

This blog is about my experience with myeloma. Anything else is wandering off-topic. But - as Dr.Ko said to us back at the beginning - Sue and I are both in it together. Both affected by it, and both part of the journey through it.

For some time now she's been getting soreness at the top of the chest and slight breathlessness when walking, although not always exercise-related. She took it to her GP and got a referral to an NHS cardiologist. That was four months ago, and the appointment came due while I was in hospital. My haematology consultant Dr.Ch said to me when I told him about it "That's good, it's usually six months for cardiology".

Results: angina, and a 90% chance of Coronary Artery Disease.
Next steps: an echo cardiogram and an angiogram (involves injecting a dye to make the insides of the arteries show up on an X-ray, looking for narrowing that would restrict blood flow and oxygen transport to the heart muscles). NHS date for that: December 11, six weeks away.
So she's decided to use her private health insurance and have this done at Springfield. The date: Monday 4th - early next week.
I'm not going to speculate here about what might come next. Not until we have those results, at least. But as anyone who knows Sue will understand, her main concern is to get it dealt with as soon as possible.

The timing could, of course, have been better. But we are where we are, and all that. It may be just a matter of a few lifestyle changes. We'll deal with it, one way or another.

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