Sunday, 22 August 2021

22/08/21 Rash

We had a good walk around the back of Writtle yesterday morning,including some very attractive bits new to me but familiar to Sue. Then got home for lunch (cheese & red onion sandwich from the Writtle Co-Op) and Pill Organisation. Already it's the last of the three weeks of Lenalidomide.

Ankle oedema still quite marked - I just can't find time  for three or four consecutive diuretic days, which is what it needs.

The "proto-rash" on my right calf has, I think, now reached the status of a real rash. Another side-effect of either the len or the dex. It's nothing like as bad as some of the photos I've seen, but it is worse than the other small ones which have faded quite quickly. This one looks as if it wants to hang around for a while:

No need to do anything except keep the antiseptic cream going, I think. I'll report it to Dr.Ch on our next consultation in early September.

Boules at Ongar later today. Brian and I may finally get that last doubles match done, or as one of  the opposing pair has been in hospital with either a stroke or a minor heart attack and hasn't been seen on the piste since then (and it would take a lot to keep him away) and the other is over 90, we may get a default or a bye or whatever happens. I'm not too sure of the rules. It won't make any difference either way, because we're not going to come out top of our division whatever happens.

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