Sunday 21 November 2021

21/11/21 COVID Pass

For the start, an interestingly quasi-palindromic date. It works if you read it but not if you take it character by character.

Did the pills this morning and managed to make a bit of a mess of them so had to re-do Saturday and Sunday later.

Not much except computer stuff in the morning but went out for a local walk to the post and back in the afternoon and that got me to my Activity Target. Did it with stick only,no walker. 1.32 miles, 3315 steps, and 193.6Kcals according to the GPS tracker in my pedometer app. For once I remembered to set it before I started.

It's good that my Primary 3 third vaccination now appears in my NHS record, and that I've received my "COVID Pass" NHS letter - even though that only includes the first two vaccinations!

Weight is likely to be up a bit in the morning because I had an attack of the "dex munchies" yesterday - constantly hungry and too many biscuits etc..Hope it's better today.


  1. It was a palindromic date on the 12th.

  2. Yes, that works character-by-character but not spoken. This one works when spoken: "Twenty-one, eleven, twenty-one". There are probably more kinds of palindrome than I've ever thought of...


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