Tuesday, 6 April 2021

06/04/21 UV and t-shirt

Yesterday was another in the long list of days that didn't work out as intended. It's that UV lamp in the filter for the small pond again. Two trips to the nearest pond shop (near Ongar) where we also acquired two new fish and a waterlily. Far too much fiddly work in low temperatures, followed by rebuilding the heron defences. The finger splits did not appreciate!

No walk again yesterday, but all the other stuff led to me comfortably beating my activity target. And I hear from muscles4myeloma that a commemorative t-shirt will arrive in the post in a few weeks time. It's good to have things to look forward to...

On other matters, it's as if my whole system was de-stabilised by those beta blockers I took for a while in the hope of controlling the tremors. Perhaps the most obvious example is the constipation issue. I haven't taken Fybogel or Laxido for weeks, and I'm down to Senna about three times a week rather than daily. Nothing has changed in terms of diet etc. to explain this. The oedema is back - that's supposed to be a side-effect of the steroids but I've been off dex for a few months now. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

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