Sunday, 25 April 2021

25/04/21 Warley Country Park, dex, and bloodstains...

We went to Warley Country Park in Brentwood, although it turned into rather more of an afternoon walk. We've never been there before (opinions differ on this, but I'm sticking to my guns) and we had a lot of trouble finding the right place and parking a short walk from the entrance:

(Photo found online, not one of mine)

Activity target well and truly met. Did the weekly clean of the cat drinking fountain, so  all weekend tasks completed. Also made an 8-hour slow cooker chicken casserole which went down well.

Did the Pill Organisation Thing after dinner because I have a 10:00 appointment in Ongar this morning, which wouldn't leave enough time either after breakfast or before lunch. More about that appointment in the next post, if it works out well.

Dex night tonight. 01:01 and I'm feeling wide awake, although there's nothing too unusual about that, dex or not. It all depends on how I feel in another hour...

Finger splits are fighting back. Despite it being a very warm day, one on my left thumb is opening up again...

Rescue cat Blue wanted some time with me on the bed. She was in a bit of a playful scratchy mood, and got me in the right hand with a claw. I didn't realise I was bleeding until I was back in my study and found blood on a couple of pieces of paper. What I didn't realise (the lights were out) is that I had also left several pound coin size bloodstains on the duvet cover. Thanks to the cat, I'm in the doghouse. I've done what I can to remove them, and won't know how successful I've been until the morning.

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