Saturday 1 May 2021

01/05/21 (2) Marsh Farm

Despite a stiff back from my mowing exertions yesterday we finally made it to Marsh Farm Country Park and then remembered having been there before a few years ago. Certainly pre-myeloma time. Got in quite a good walk along the River Crouch, at a very low tide when we started out after coffee and brownies from Phoebe's Pantry. Just a small food trailer, but all very well organized COVID precautions.

Did some boules practice on the newly-mown (but still rather bumpy) back lawn. Once a boule lands, there's no way of telling which way and how far it's going to go. Good for practising a high lob with lots of backspin, or a "yorker" shot aimed to bounce right on the target ball. Instead of getting better at those I got cold fingers and retired indoors... 

Now going to chop some beetroots....

And here's the result. Ny renowned beetroot and goat's cheese risotto, with parmesan and salad leaves:


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15/04/24 Good news, mostly

I have my appointment for CT scan and pre-assessment at UCLH (Euston) on Wed 17th, probable surgery date for the cement injection Thursday 2...