Saturday, 15 May 2021

15/05/21 Security, CAR-T, Lenalidomide

 Logging into this blog just now (using Chrome) I got a security warning about phishing attacks. I am not aware of any such, but you never know. Perhaps it's time to look into improving the security...

In the meantime, this page gives advice on what to do. Basically, click [details] and take it from there. And stay safe, obviously. Don't click anything that might be a suspicious link.

Yesterday's two hour MyelomaUK Focus Group on CAR-T was good and interesting. CAR-T is the up-and-coming gene therapy technique which (at it's simplest) involves taking T cells (part of the immune system) from the blood, tweaking their DNA using the CRISP-R technology (regrettably, nothing to do with me) to give them the ability to attack myeloma cells, then putting them back and letting them get on with the job. The best outcome would be deep and long-term remission, probably with no need for any maintenance drugs - the return to "normal life" that everybody wants - and the worst would be some potentially nasty side-effects including neurological ones that might deprive you of the ability to walk or speak. But even at this early stage, the risk/benefit analysis looks significantly better than stem cell transplant. So far trials are only looking at patients past lines 4 or 5 (I haven't reached 2 yet) and if all goes well and CAR-T moves closer, I reckon there's a good chance that by the time I've moved on a couple of lines it will be available for me. 

That occupied the morning. After a light quick lunch (advice:avoid Marks & Spencer's "tomato and cheese pinwheels" - tasteless, bad texture and mouth feel) I went to Ongar for some boules practice. Played a couple of games with the other two regulars who were there, then did a bit of solo practice. Got home just in time to make cat tea.

Cycle 14 started with a return to Lenalidomide as well as dex. There was a question on the Facebook group about whether people felt different or better on the week off Len. Dr.Ch has asked me that question a couple of times and seems surprised by my answer that I don't feel any difference at all between the three weeks on Len and the one week off.  But that's the way it is.

The COVID antibody test kit that I ordered a couple of days ago has arrived. Will do it later today. I understand the various issues about interpreting the results but I'd appreciate any evidence that the two Pfizer shots have actually achieved something.

Finger splits: they aren't beaten yet! I have a couple of small ones starting up in the old familiar places. I'll treat in the usual way and hope for warmer weather...

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