Monday, 8 February 2021

08/02/21 Coldfinger...

Finger splits much better today, and because of freezing temperatures all day I never got outside at all. There is a connection! Dex, I'm sure, makes them worse and take even longer to heal but the underlying truths are the same as before - it's cold weather that is the primary cause.

On the Facebook Myeloma UK group there's a consultant quoted as saying that Myeloma is one of the better cancers to have. To a point, I'm inclined to agree and I've said the same thing myself. As long as you're diagnosed reasonably early - and from that same group I'm very aware that some people aren't - then you're likely to have several years of reasonable health before things start getting bad. It's not like being told out of the blue that you've got something like pancreatic or bladder cancer and will in all probability be dead in six months, most of them in a bad way. With Myeloma you do have - probably - the precious gift of time before the crunch comes. And it will, eventually, to all of us, cancer or not.

Personally, so far, there are annoyances - the constipation management, the infernal finger splits, the exposed jawbone, the poor walking and worse balance - but none of those really make an intolerable impact on quality of life. They're nuisances, and not a lot more. Rather like the endless round of hospital appointments, blood tests, another bag of pills to take... They can all be coped with. The worst thing, for me, is the drop in energy and stamina. It's hard to start things and harder to keep them going, and that applies as much to the trivial level of getting out of a chair as it does to bigger things. Much easier to fall asleep for a while.  But enough of that - time for bed...

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