Tuesday, 23 February 2021

23/02/21 Missed opportunity

 Nothing to report myeloma-wise, except that I missed this opportunity from the Advocacy Panel:

Good afternoon, 

 We have an opportunity for two patients from the Myeloma UK Advocacy Panel to join the next Blood Cancer All-Party Parliamentary Group meeting on the topic of vaccinations for people with blood cancer and the wider clinically extremely vulnerable community.

 For those who have not joined an APPG before, these are very informal cross-party group meetings with a few speakers and the chance for an open discussion afterwards.

 The meeting will be chaired by Henry Smith MP and held online on Thursday 25th February 14:00-15:00.

 We understand that this is quite short notice for a meeting this week, but felt it was too good an opportunity to miss for our new members. Please let me know if you would like to join the virtual meeting and we will reply on a first come first served basis with a Zoom link to join on Thursday.

I just didn't see the email in time and other people got there first. D*mn.

The anniversary Indian from Vojan was good, and big enough that the leftovers will do for tonight's dinner as well. Might get an extra naan to help it along.

Later today, my car goes in for service and MoT.

Never got out for a walk yesterday, but hit my Activity Target anyway. If the weather's decent we might stop at Admirals Park on the way home (Sue will be coming along in her car, because all courtesy cars, collect-at-home schemes etc. are out of action because of COVID).

Slightly annoyed with my wearable medi-tech ring. It monitors when I go to bed and when I get up, and usually gets both times spot-on. It's been nagging me to get to bed a little earlier (between 1 and 2am, rather than often ten minutes or so later). Last night I actually went to bed well before 02:00 but got up for a bathroom visit a bit after 03:00 (this is unusual - more often I go between 06:00 and 07:00 but it ignores that) and it claimed I didn't go to bed until 03:15 thereby making a bit of  a mess of my sleep records for the week.

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