Wednesday, 23 June 2021

23/06/21 Oedema, new boules place

Post-shower ankle oedema considerably reduced, although it's starting to reappear now, an hour or so later. I've lost the best part of 2kg since starting the occasional Furosemide, which shows that water retention accounts for most of that weight. We have nothing planned for later today, so a good opportunity to take  another one.

Tiredness has been good, probably because last night was a dex night.

Joined Tower Petanque yesterday, north of Brentwood and half an hour's drive away. The floodlights on their rather nice piste meant that we played right up to 22:30. I played in two games, narrowly lost one and won the other. I think I showed I've played the game before, in fact I played as well as I ever have. The surface is similar to Ongar, although perhaps a little thinner gravel over the hard surface. The biggest difference is in the style of play - it's much more aggressive with shooters coming into play right at the start whereas at Ongar shooting only comes into most games  right at the end. And the standard of shooting at Tower is way ahead of Ongar. I now have two more places to investigate, both of them the same half hour or so away.

You can see the floodlights. What you can't see includes the very nice scoring system, the little shelves for drinks (there is a bar!) and the hooks to hang your circles on. All very well thought out and made, I understand, by a member who also owns an aluminium factory.

Again, a very nice friendly welcoming bunch of people. All very good for my "mental health", I have no doubt.

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