Monday, 6 September 2021

06/09/21 (2) Morning

Knowing I need an early breakfast to be in time to leave for Hanbury Gardens (Epping Boules) I woke up at about 05:00 and couldn't get back to sleep. So it's a much earlier start than I expected or need. It was of course a dex night. I used to rely on multiple alarm clocks and still often slept through them all, now I'm usually awake before my Alexa alarm or my phone goes off, even without the dex.. Who needs them now? All part of getting older I suppose. Anyway, the lack of sleep doesn't bother me unless it repeats over several days,and five hours a night seems enough for me most of the time. I've been a bit like ike that since long before myeloma - it probably dates back to retirement  but I think the cancer has made it worse. Alien as it may be to my night owl nature (went to bed 02:15 last night) getting up early does give me some uninterrupted time to get on with stuff on the computer and to take a photo out of the back of the house. It's autumn now and the seasons are behaving themselves - misty mornings are back:

Temp today 36.6, BP 124 / 80 and pulse 72. I'm happy with all of that. Slightly less happy with the overnight oxygen saturation gadget because for the second time the "one size fits all" silicone band failed and it came off my finger overnight. I put it on first finger (left hand) between first and second knuckles (counting from fingertip towards hand) Could go one knuckle further but very tight there and feels uncomfortable. Little finger will go all the way - maybe I'll give that a try tonight.

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